Class 2 Blog

Class 2 Blog

  • 04

    PE - Swimming

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    For our first session, we looked at how to enter the pool safely. We discussed why this was important. We played a few games and sang a few songs to keep us moving and get us used to moving around in the water.
  • 03

    Welcome Back

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Term 6 is off and running. We will still be growing lots of plants as part of our "Down at the bottom of the garden" theme as well as looking at role models throughout history as part of our "We Can Be Heroes" topic.
  • 20

    PE - Tennis taster session

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We had great fun today practising our tennis skills. We learnt how to control the ball with the face of the racquet before attempting a rally with our partners.
  • 15

    PSHE - Relationships

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We have been discussing trust and appreciation and have identified people who can help me in our family, our school and our community. We know how it feels to trust someone and we can express our appreciation for the people in our special relationships. We also played some trust games and discovered it isn't always easy or comfortable accepting appreciation from others.
  • 10

    Geography - Aerial Photographs

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 have been developing their observation skills. They found key features in aerial photographs (bridges, roads, coastline, forests, houses) and used key words to describe the features they saw.
  • 08

    PSHE - Relationships

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We have been looking at positive ways to mend friendships today. We talked through the three stages of recognising and calming feelings, understanding the other point of view, and agreeing how to move forward.
  • 08

    Music - Creating a rhythm

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Today we had to create a rhythm which represents a chosen animal. In pairs, year 2 had to create that animal’s rhythm on a computer and add a sequence of notes to their rhythm. We then played them to the class for them to guess which animal we had chosen.
  • 01

    Computing - musical patterns

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    Year 2 used a computer today to create a musical pattern. They could identify that music is a sequence of notes and explain how music can be played in different ways. They then refined their musical pattern using Chrome Music Lab.
  • 24

    Computing - Experimenting with music

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We listened to the classical piece Neptune by Holst and tried to imagine what visuals could accompany it. This led us to discuss connecting images with sounds. We then used the iPads to experiment with pitch using the Kandinsky section of Chrome Music Lab. We had great fun listening to our compositions.
  • 17

    PSHE - Relationships

    Posted by Mr N Kavanagh
    We discussed that there are lots of forms of physical contact within a family and that some of this is acceptable and some is not. Hugs and high-fives were unanimously accepted, kicking and scratching were not. We then had to explain which types of physical contact we like and don’t like.