Class 3 Blog

Class 3 Blog

  • 12

    Computing - Can I relate animated movement with a sequence of images?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 used their understanding of a sequence of images creating an animation and translated this to digital techniques today. They used an animation app to create their one stop motion animation using classroom equipment. They learn about the tool onion skinning.
  • 11

    PE - Netball

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Can I pass via bounce and overhead using suitable techniques?
  • 05

    Computing - Can I create a flipbook?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 have begun learning about animation. We created a series of images that come together to look like a moving picture. We created our flip books using post it notes.
  • 05

    History - Hook Day - Bronze Tools

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 stepped into the Brone Age this morning. They created their own mould (sculpted from a potato) for their "bronze" tool (made from chocolate!)
  • 04

    PE - Netball

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Can I pass and catch a netball with accuracy?
  • 15

    Computing - 2 Type

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 had the opportunity to develop their typing speed and accuracy using 2Type on Purple Mash.
  • 10

    Science - Fossils

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 made their own fossils using clay. We followed the steps of fossil formation that usually take millions of years.
  • 08

    Computing - What does our school network look like?

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 further developed their understanding of computer networks. They saw examples of network infrastructure in our school and hd a go at recreating it on Purple Mash.
  • 07

    PE - Dance

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Children continued to refine movements in their pairs. They thought about how to perform well for their audience through clear and fluent movements. They had a go at counting beats to hold each movement for 8 beats.
  • 03

    Science - Fossils

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 3 read the story "The Fossil Girl" by Catherine Brighton. We reviewed what we know about Mary Anning and began exploring how fossils are made.