Class 5 Blog

This is the Class 5 Blog

  • 07

    Maths: Can I estimate capacity?

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    In maths today, Year 5 estimated the capacity of various 3D shapes. They then tested their estimates by filling the shapes with water and measuring the quantity. Good work, Year 5!
  • 06

    Maths: Can I investigate the area of 3D shapes?

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    In maths, Year 5 used cubes to investigate how 3D shapes with the same capacity can have different areas, depending on how they are structured. Good problem solving skills, Year 5!
  • 04

    DT: Can I make a structure using food?

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    Year 5 will be learning about structures in DT this term. To introduce the topic, they considered what a structure is before making their own prototypes of bridges using spaghetti and mini gems. I was very impressed with their collaboration and problem solving skills. Good work!
  • 03

    Geography: World Environment Day

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    As it's World Environment Day on 5th June, Year 5 investigated how people travel to school and encouraged others to come to school by walking or using a more eco-friendly transport. They collected data by conducting surveys and making field sketches of the environment outside of the school entrance, before creating posters to encourage others to protect the planet. Well done, Year 5!
  • 23

    Outdoor Classroom Day: PE

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    In PE, Year 5 ran a mini athletics tournament for Reception. In groups, they ran events in long jump, hurdles, throwing, catching, running and relay. They worked so hard towards it and Reception had a great time too! Good team work, Year 5!
  • 23

    Outdoor Classroom Day: Insect Hotels

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    To end Outdoor Classroom Day, Year 5 went to the woods and built hotels for insects using things they could find in the natural environment. They used great resourcefulness and teamwork. I was very impressed by the variety of different structures they built.
  • 21

    Music: Can I play along to ‘Dancing In The Street’ on the glockenspiel?

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    In music, Year 5 completed the challenge of playing along to 'Dancing In The Street' on the glockenspiel. Afterwards, they worked in pairs to improvise a three note tune to play alongside simultaneously. Well done, Year 5!
  • 20

    Computing: Can I apply what I have learned about vector drawings?

    Posted by Miss S Hook
    In computing, Year 5 applied everything that they have learnt this term to create their own unique vector images. They had a choice to create a vector image of either an animal, a plant or a piece of stationery. Well done, Year 5!
  • 17

    Maths - Problem Solving

    Posted by Miss L Bruford
    Year 5 have been problem solving in maths today involving a Deca tree. The children had to find out what a Deca Tree is and then work out how many leaves there will be after the woodcutter has cut off a trunk, a branch, a twig and leaves. There were many approaches to this, however, the children’s continued efforts and perseverance were commendable. Well done Year 5!
  • 17

    RE - commitment

    Posted by Miss L Bruford
    Year 5 looked at all the ways Sikhs show commitment to their religion. They were able to identify these ways, compare this to others and reflect upon the challenges they may face by giving advice.