Class 6 Blog

Class 6 Blog

  • 28


    Posted by Miss L Heward
    This week year 6 have been building on their vocabulary that will set them up for a visit to the café in Spain! We learned that in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries they use Euros and centimos. We had lots of practice guessing amounts in Euros and had a go at some role play involving the bill.
  • 21

    PE - Throwing a catching at speed

    Posted by Miss L Heward
    Year 5 have made an amazing start to our term of tag rugby! We have braved the elements and are looking forward to a term getting stuck in to rugby on the field. So far year 5 have learned how to pass and receive a rugby pass correctly and have practiced this during a number of movements drills. I really look forward to seeing how they progress over the term.
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    PSHE - Celebrating differences

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Today in RE, year 6 looked at what 'normal' means. We discussed the term and then looked at the meaning of prejudice and discrimination. We discussed various situations in history where discrimination has been evident.
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    RE - Christianity

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    As part of our RE this term, where we are asking how significant was it that Mary was Jesus' mother, we looked at making good choices. We looked at the reasons why some people may be chosen to do something in particular and how some of those reasons may be good reasons and some may be bad.
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    Year 6 Trip to Berkeley Technical College

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Year 6 had a great day today at Berkeley Green Technical college making robots move around cones using iPads, coding turtles on the computer to create shapes and find out all about the different types of engineering that there were. There are definitely some budding engineers in year 6!
  • 15

    English - poetry

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Today, in our poetry work, the children worked in pairs to answers various questions about the sympathy poem. We then looked at other poems which had similar themes to Sympathy in preparation for them planning and writing their own next week.
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    Computing - Creating Media

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Year 6 looked at the different website layout features and in pairs, planned their own web page on paper about a topic/theme of their choice.
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    Posted by Miss L Heward
    This week year 6 have appraised a piece of Jazz music. They thought about how it made them feel, what they liked about it and which instruments they could hear. They had a go at commenting on the tempo, dynamics and pitch of the piece of music.
  • 13

    English - Poetry

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    Year 6 have been looking at a poem called 'Sympathy' by Paul Laurence Dunbar. It's a poem of contrasts about a caged bird. We have been looking at why the poet might have written the poem and then the children looked at each stanza and had a go at writing their own. They then worked in pairs to edit their work.
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    DT - Circuits

    Posted by Mrs N Lawday
    In DT today, the children made their own simple electrical series circuit and then had a go at making a parallel circuit. The power cut we had this afternoon helped them to understand the circuits that electricity needs to create their path of electricity!