Diary Dates


Wednesday 23rd October - Nasel Flu Vaccines YR-Y6

                                              BFG AGM 18:00 ~ School Hall

Thursday 24th October - BFG tuck shop open afterschool.

Friday 25th October - Last day of Term 1

                                     YR 5 Bake Sale afterschool

End of term 1


Term 2 begins for pupils Tuesday 5th November

Monday 4th November - INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th November - Term 2 starts for pupils

Thursday 7th November - Maths event for parents of YR3 & YR4 17:00-18:00

Monday 18th November - Individual & Sibling School photos

Thursday 21st November - BFG Wreath Making Evening 18:00-21:00

                                             KS1 online parent meetings 13:30-18:45

Friday 22nd November - BFG Wreath Making Morning 09:00-11:00

Thursday 28th November - KS2 online parent meetings 13:30-18:45

Friday 29th November - Berkeley Christmas Fayre 16:00

Friday 6th December - Christmas Pantomime for children

Wednesday 11th December - Grinch Movie Night - Hosted by the BFG 17:00-19:00

Monday 16th December - iRock Concert 09:30

Tuesday 17th December - KS1 Christmas show 16:00-17:00

Wednesday 18th December - KS1 Christmas show 14:00-15:00

Thursday 19th December - Treat Day 1

Christmas concert in the church 5-6pm Reception and KS2

Friday 20th December - Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner & Term ends for pupils at 1:30pm

Term 3 begins for pupils Monday 6thJanuary

Monday 6th January - Term 3 begins for pupils

Monday 10th February- Book Fair

Friday 14th February - Term 3 Ends

Term 4 begins for pupils Tuesday 25th February

Monday 24th February - INSET DAY

Tuesday 25th February- Term 4 begins for pupils

Thursday 6th March- World book day

Monday 17th March - NCMP & Vision Screening Reception & Year 1

Thursday 27th March - KS2 online parents meetings 13:30-18:45

Tuesday 1st April - Break the rules for April fools - BFG

Thursday 3rd April - KS1 online parents meetings 13:30-18:45

Monday 7th April - iRock concert 9:30am

Thursday 10th April - Treat day 2

Friday 11th April -  Last day of term 1:30pm finish

Term 5 begins for pupils Monday 28th April

Monday 28th April - Term 5 begins

Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday

Friday 16th May- Sports Day

Friday 23rd May - Inset Day

Term 6 begins for pupils Monday 2nd June

Monday 2nd June - Term 6 starts

Saturday 7th June - BFG Summer fayre 

Monday 16th June - Whole school Group Photos & Bikeability starts for YR6

Friday 20th June - KS2 swimming gala

Monday 23rd June - Inset Day.

Wednesday 25th June - Y6 Residential

Wednesday 2nd July - YR4 Residential

Friday 4th July- Reserve sports day

Thursday 10th July - Rednock induction for YR6 students

Wednesday 16th July - Treat Day 3

Thursday 17th July - Term ends for pupils at 1:30pm